Art Vs Design

What's the difference?

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Art is not Design and Design is not Art, although they do influence each other every so often. Art can be much more free in regards to what you can create. You can be creative with either however, in graphic design your focus is to manipulate and influence a targeted audience.

No one has to love or hate it, it's there because you came up with it for you. Graphic design, more often than not, is designed for a purpose, company, or at least has an end goal for an intended audience.

With art you don't have to explain yourself to anyone or get approved to create and publish that work, whereas in graphic design you have to explain every little detail and choice you make in the ad or flyer before you can send it out into the world. This is however not to say that graphic design is limited, one can still create anything, it just depends why and for what you are making it.

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There are certain boundaries at play when it comes to designing something to send a message or to get a point across to a certain demographic. Who is your audience? What are you trying to say? Take the image above of the bottled sparkling water, the colourful labels job is to catch the customers attention. Why should they choose this bottle over others? That is a "refreshing" looking mandarin orange.

The Wonderland movie was somewhat eye opening for me as I learned more about what graphic designers do, how they do it and the process which they go through too get what they want to match and combine wth what the intended outcome is. the movie has broadened my view of where to look for inspiration for both art and graphic design.

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